Friday, July 23, 2010

When Stars are Born

When Stars are Born

Summer 2010

" One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."

Friedrich Nietzsche

You may have noticed that I like to use pictures from the cosmos - and that I like to change them!

The one I have included above is a Hubble Space Telescope image of a star cluster - an area where new stars are forming - named NGC 602 in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The Small Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy that is a close neighbor to our Milky Way, at "only" about 200,000 light years away!

I chose this image because June marked nine months since I registered the Center for the Development of the Person as an LLC.

As one friend pointed out, June for me was "birthing time" - since nine months after conception is when humans are ready to leave the womb and begin to survive as individuals separate from the mother, it seems only appropriate to think in these terms for any kind of project.

For stars to be created in the universe, it obviously takes a whole different quantity of "time", but I have always loved the analogy that Antonio Mercurio found years ago between the creation of stars and the birth of individual human beings as "Persons - capable of freely and responsibly loving themselves, loving others and receiving love" (as well as the process that occurs within a group of Existential Personalistic Anthropology).

Stars form when a great cloud of unorganized matter begins to condense and heat up until it finally collapses, eventually reaching a point where the hydrogen atoms begin to fuse and the thermonuclear process begins. Radiation, heat and light are emitted - and we have a new star!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I have the pleasure to announce that a new book is available for download right here on my blog, on the right hand side bar. It is entitled "Antonio Mercurio's Cosmoartistic Anthropology", written by Emanuele Chimienti, Director of the Institute "Gli Ulissidi" (The Ulysseans) in Lecce, Italy. As you can see, I have also uploaded Antonio Mercurio's Book "Hypotheses on Ulysses" so you can download that as well from here!

Also, I have decided to offer a new type of service, which you will find described on the page "Pathways to Authentic Living".

Another bit of news is that I am currently working on my website at I hope to have that up and running soon, with special pages dedicated to members where we can share ideas, information and especially our stories along our journeys of discovery of Self.